Stills from digital projection

For the projection „Particle Observation“ I drew an image of an arrangement of pigeon shit and then perforated the drawing to let light shine through. Holes creating the later image. In further steps I worked on the image digitally.I am playing with the way particles of my immediate surroundings are organised.

I imagine the universe looks at us as we look at the universe. It sees a lot of particles appearing, moving around, connecting, disconnecting and disappearing.Taking the perspective of the universe I pick spots of the surrounding and draw images by isolating those spots.

I would like to visualise possible connections between us and the space around us, suggesting further dimensions of our immediate universe and using that for a possible architectural rearrangement of spaces.

U N D E R C O N S T R U C T I O N // 2024




Funded by the Senate Department
for Culture and Europe 2020 /
Stiftung Kunstfonds Neustart Kultur 2022